Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dumb Facts » Plants

  • The hurricane plant has holes in its leaves, which keep it from being destroyed by wind.
  • The canopy of a rainforest is so thick, only one percent of sunlight reaches the ground.
  • A living tree never stops growing.
  • 40% of prescripition drugs dispensed in the U.S. have active ingredients derived from plants, animals or microorganisms, many of them from forests.
  • A banana is about 75 percent water.
  • The world’s fastest-growing plant is the giant water lily, which grows almost a foot a day.
  • Researchers recently sprouted a lotus seed known to be 1,288 years old, making it the oldest seed ever germinated.
  • The Venus flytrap takes less than half a second to slam shut on an insect.
  • A single large tree can release up to 400 gallons of water into the atmosphere each day.
  • Rafflesia flowers attract pollinating flies by looking and smelling like rotten meat.
  • One acre of trees absorbs enough carbon dioxide per year to match that emitted by driving a car 26,000 miles.
  • The world’s largest flower is the Rafflesia arnoldi. It can grow to the size of an umbrella.
  • The saguaro cactus of the Arizona Desert grows less than one inch in it’s first 10 years.
  • In the 1800′s an Eggplant was known as a “mad apple” and believed to be poisonous.
  • One cord of wood can make 7 and a half million toothpicks.

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