Thursday, October 27, 2011


The Rest of the World

- In Victoria, Australia, you need a licensed electrician to change a light bulb.
- In Victoria Australia after mid day on Sunday, it's illegal to wear pink hot pants.
- In France, it's illegal to name a pig Napoleon.
- In Indonesia, the punishment for masturbation is death by decapitation.
- In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be sentenced to death by firing squad.
- In Bahrain, male doctors only legally examine a woman's genitals through a mirror.
- In Afghanistan the Taliban banned women from wearing white socks, for fear men might find them attractive.
- In Lebanon men are allowed to engage in sexual intercourse with female animals. If caught with a male animal the punishment is death.
- In 1837, Egypt banned male belly dancing as it caused mass rioting.
- During World War I if you were found to be homosexual you were executed.
- Hundreds of years ago you were instantly executed if you tried to leave Japan.
- In Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, in 1917, tying a male horse next to a female horse was illegal.
- In Singapore chewing gum is illegal.
- In Paraguay you can legally duel, as long as both participating players are blood donors.
- In Milan, Italy, unless going to a hospital or funeral, you have to smile or face a fine.
- In Switzerland you legally have to live within 200m of a nuclear bomb shelter.
- In Burma it is against the law to access the Internet. Anyone doing so faces prison.
- In Bangladesh you face prison time for cheating at school.
- Until 1984 in Belgium, you had to choose your child's name off a list of 1500.
- In 1935 Romania, for fear of scaring young children, Mickey Mouse was banned.
- Due to lack of pants, Donald Duck cartoons were banned in Finland.
- The only country in the world to never. have censorship for adult films is Belgium.
- In 1979 Iraq banned karate movies. .
- It was once illegal to own a pet dog in Iceland.
- In 1471 Switzerland, the Cockerel was found guilty of "In defiance of natural law" by laying an egg. It was executed.
- In Stelvio, Italy, 1519, a gang of moles that had damaged crops was given an arrest warrant. They never showed up for court.
- In Seville, Spain, in 1983, a German Sheppard was arrested for stealing woman's handbags.
- In Turkey, it was illegal to drink coffee during the 16th and 17th century. It was punishable by death.
-2000 years ago in Rome, Julius Caesar banned chariots from Rome city centre to ease congestion.
- In Switzerland, it use to be illegal to slam a car door.
-In Denmark, you legally have to check under your car for children asleep before you start it.
-In Denmark it is not against the law to escape from prison.
-In Bermuda, private cars were illegal until 1948
-In the days of Sparta, if you were male you legally had to consume 2 pounds of meat a day.

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