Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Useful terms-

Turnkey Cost- Costs and expenditures that must be covered before a product or service is ready to be sold and used. A turnkey cost may be a direct cost, such as materials, or an indirect cost, such as administrative expenses and product engineering. Turnkey costs are often quoted by manufacturers and real estate developers to describe the costs required to complete a particular project.
Real Estate Investment Trust -REIT-A security that sells like a stock on the major exchanges and invests in real estate directly, either through properties or mortgages. REITs receive special tax considerations and typically offer investors high yields, as well as a highly liquid method of investing in real estate.
Underwater Mortgage -A home purchase loan with a higher balance than the free-market value of the home. This situation prevents the homeowner from selling the home unless s/he has cash to pay the loss out of pocket. It also prevents the homeowner from refinancing in most cases. Thus, if the homeowner wants to sell the home because s/he can't afford the mortgage payments anymore, perhaps because of a job loss, the home will fall into foreclosure unless the borrower is able to renegotiate the loan.
Gazunder -A colloquial term used in the United Kingdom for the practice of a buyer lowering his real estate purchase offer below his previous offer when the transaction is already well under way. A gazunder typically happens when the market is weak and/or when the seller is coming from a position of weakness. "Gazundering" is not illegal, but many people consider it unethical. The seller may be forced to accept the lower price if it is a better option than continuing to pay the carrying costs on the property or continuing to hold it in a declining market.
Tenants By Entirety (TBE) -A method in some states by which married couples can hold the title to a property. In order for one spouse to modify his or her interest in the property in any way, the consent of both spouses is required by tenants by entirety. It also provides that when one spouse passes away, the surviving spouse gains full ownership of the property.

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