Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Eurozone debt crisis

           If the people running the EU including Van Rompuy, Mrs Merkel and Sarkosy are so competent why have the EU Audited accounts not been signed off for 16 years .This says all we need to know about the EU all they want is more money to waste and  build a bigger Empire Members of both houses of Parliament in the UK should be made to declare any interest they have in the EU before they are allowed to vote on matters concerning the EU as there could well be a conflict of interest.
                 To be honest - the way things are going I could not rule out the UK joining the Eurozone and adopting the Euro! As the old saying goes - "if you can't beat them, join them."
                  Just needs a bit more tweaking, then a bit more, then a bit more and maybe a bit more---,the one thing these old fashioned marxists will never ever admit is that THEY GOT IT WRONG.The EU as a trading organisation would be fine but as a political "union" with a "one size fits all" currency and central control has no chance whatsover. It is just a vast hole into which tax payers money pours with no discernable return and no accountability. The Kommissars in Brussels have forced countries into borrowing vast amounts of money to spend on vanity projects, then when they could not afford to pay back the loans they say they will take control of their economies,COMMUNISIM under a different banner.

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