Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meogate Scandal in Pakistan

Memogate scandal: The scandal in Pakistan related to a memo (memorandum) asking for US help to thwart military coup

The memogate scandal is related to a memo delivered by Pakistani-American businessman, Mansoor Ijaz to the Pentagon asking for U.S. help to thwart a feared military coup from Pakistan army.Mansoor Ijaz wrote in financial times on 10 October 2011 that Pakistan President Asif Zardari feared the Pakistan army might overthrow his government.  Ijaz accused   the former Pakistani envoy to USA, Hussain Haqqani of crafting the memo with the President's support. The Pakistan army was outraged by the memo, which was allegedly sent by the government.Husain Haqqani, was forced to resign over the issue.

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