Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Que -n- Ans

01.’White Leg Horn’ is a disease which affects:
A. sambars                   B. elephants         C.cattle     D. birds
02. Atacama Desert is in :
A.  North America     B. South Africa     C. Russia      D. South America
03. Mahatma Gandhi University came in the ex­istence on:
A. 26th October 193           B. 26lh October 194    C.26th October 195 D. 26th October 196
04. Who is supposed to be the mythical founder of Jainism:
A. Mahavira      B.  Rishaba C. Parswanath      D.None of these
05. The Mughal Emperor who wrote their autobi­ographies
A. Akbar and Jehangir         B. Aurangazeb and Shahjahan        C. Babar and Humayun        D. Babar and Jehangir
06. Most  of the   Ajanta  Paintings   were completed during the reign of:
A. Satavahana          B. Vardhanas   C..Guptas    D. Sakas
07. Which one of the following contains the Gayatri Mantra ?
A. Yajur Veda            B.Upanishad        C Aranyaka         D. Rig Veda
0. The prose explanations of the vedas were known as the:
A. Brahmanas       B. Upanishads           C. Samhitas                   D. Aranyakas
09.In  which of the following modern Indian states Asokan’s inscriptions are
Not found ?
A. Karnataka        B.Andhra Pradesh               C.Tamil Nadu D. Orissa
10. The study of rocks is known as:
,A. seismology          B. paleontology     C. petrology            D. bathymetry
11. Gandhiji organised Dandi March in 1930 against:
A. the communal award       B.  imposition of tax on salt  C.  repression of the Congress      D. atrocities on Harijans
12. The battle of Plassey was a notable incident because:
A. the English East India Company got more trade commission            B. the British won over the French  C. Company’s rule came to an end      D. it established English control over Bengal
13. Chengiz Khan invaded India during the rule of:
A. Iltumish      B. Balban               C.  Alauddin Khilji           D. Qutubuddin Aibak
14. Who is the author of the book Ain-e-Akbari ?
A. Todarmal               B. Sheikh Saadi        C. Akbar        D. AbulFazal
15. Name the last Hindu King of Northern India:
A.  Harshavardhana             B. Samudra Gupta       C. Chandra Gupta Maurya
D. Vikramaditya
16. Which metal is mostly used for the manufac­ture of aeroplanes and is also
used by doctors to repair injured bones?
A. Pig iron  B. Tin             C. Aluminium            D. Silver
17. Which of the following is the national emblem of United Kingdom?
A. Rose          B.  Lilly        C. Eagle         D.   Shamrock
1. The Damodar Vally Corporation, the first mul­tipurpose rivervalley project of  
Government of  India, was setup on:                    
A. 10th April 199      B. 7th July 194         C. 12 th July 19      D. 14 thJuly 199  
19. Name of the author of the book ‘Tales from Shakespeare’ ?
A. Tolstoy       B. Charles Lamb       C.Thomas Hardy      D. William Shakespear
20. Bacteriophage is a kind of:  
A.  RNA          B. Suga             C. Fungus   D. Virus
21. Census In India is being held rcgulary after every
A.  years       B.10 years C.6 years        D.12 years
22. J.J. Thomson discovered :
A. Positron    B. Electron        C.Proton            D.Neutron
23. Hercule.Poirot is the character in the books written by:
A. James Hardly Chase       B. P.G. Wodehouse C. George Bernard Shaw
D. Agatha Christie
24. Diagonal relationship exists between
A. Sodium and Magnesium B. Sodium and Boron           C Lithium and Magnesiunr   D. Potassium and Magnesium
25. In blood, a universal recipient belongs to the group:
A. A                       B.B             C. AB              D. O
26.       The paths of a projectile is a/an :
A.    trajectory            B. elliptical     C. hyperbola         D. parabola
27. Chese is a source of:
A.  both fats and proteins     B. proteins     C. fats D. none of these
2. Which of the following elementary particles is unstable ?
A. positron      B. neutron             C.electron             D. proton
29.The somatotrophic  hormone is secreted by :
A. thyroid gland          B. pituitary gland       C. adrenal gland        D. pancreas gland
30. The National Income  of India is compiled by:
A.  Planning Commission       B. Finance Commission  &
nbsp;   C. Indian statistical Institut   D. Central Statistical Organisation
31. The Indus valley civilization existed around :
A.   500 B.C.              B. 1700 B.C               C. 3000 B.C              D. 2500B.C
32. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?
A. Scurvy                    B. Rickets      C. Polio       D. Beri-Beri
33. On which of the following rivers is Washing­ ton (USA) situated ?
A. Nile            B.Hudson         C. Danube               D.   Potomac
34.    Who discovered the medicine “Streptomycin”
A. Dewar        B. Waksman              C. Reed          D. Bushwell
35. Who wrote the book Mudraraff-shasam ?
A.  Vishakhadatta        B. Kalidas          C. Rabindranath Tagore           D. Bhavabhuti
36. Mahayana and Hinayana are the two divisions of:
A. Hinduism      B. Jainism               C.Christianity             D.Buddhism
37. Name the first Indian scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize:
A.C.V.Raman       B. H.J.Bhabha     C.S. Chandrasekhar
D. M.N.Sahay
3. In which year was the Battle of Bauxar fought ?
A. 176      B. 1766          C. 1764          D.1765
39. Red, green and blue are known as:
A. Complementary colours  B. Primary colours    C. Secondary colours
D. Primary pigments
40. Earthquake waves travel fastest in
A. flexible rock           B. liquid water       C. motten rock      D. solid rock
41. Universal blood donors have blood type
A. 0              B. AB             C. B               D. A
42.Psychology is mainly concerned with:
A. structure of the body         B. diseases of the body       C. growth of the body
D. activity of the body
43. As a person becomes older, his blood pressure generally:
A. varies widely         B. remains the same            C. decreases   D.  increases
44. Which nutrient is not able to provide energy for cell use ?
A. fats B. carbohydrates       C. water          D. proteins
45. A large blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart is called :
A. an artery       B. a vein      C.nerve       D. a capillary
46. An important ore of uranium is :
A. chalcocite              B. pithchblende         C. taconite     D. carnallite
47. The hottest flame is produced by the:
A. atomic hydrogen torch       B. oxyacetylene torch          C. miner’s safety lamp
D. oxyhydrogen torch
4. Odissi is the dance style of:
A. Madhya Pradesh              B. Andra Pradesh     C. Haryana        D. Orissa
49. Who invented the telephone:
A.Newton       B. J.L.Baird                C. Alexander Graham Bell      D. Thomas Edison
50. The Ganapati festival is associated with which of the following states ?  .
A.Punjab         B.Maharashtra           C. Kerala    D.Karnataka
01. C.cattle
02. D. South America
03. A. 26th October 1983
04. B.  Rishaba
05. D. Babar and Jehangir
06. C..Guptas
07. D. Rig Veda
0. A. Brahmanas
09. C.Tamil Nadu
10. C. petrology
11. B.  imposition of tax on salt
12. D. it established English control over Bengal
13. A. Iltumish
14. D. AbulFazal
15. A.  Harshavardhana
16. C. Aluminium
17. A. Rose
1. B. 7th July 1948
19. B. Charles Lamb
20. D.D.Virus
21. B.10 years
22. B. Electron
23. D. Agatha Christie
24. C Lithium and Magnesiunr
25. C. AB
26. D. parabola
27. A.  both fats and proteins
2. B. neutron
29. B. pituitary gland
30. D. Central Statistical Organisation
31. C. 3000 B.C
32. C. Polio
33. D.   Potomac
34. B. Waksman
35. A.  Vishakhadatta
36. D.Buddhism
37. A.C.V.Raman
3. C. 1764
39. B. Primary colours
40. D. solid rock
41. A. 0
42. D. activity of the body
43. D.  increases
44. C. water
45. A. an artery
46. B. pithchblende
47. A. atomic hydrogen torch
4. D. Orissa
49. C. Alexander Graham Bell
50. B.Maharashtra

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