Friday, February 17, 2012

Quiz Time-

1. Legion d’Honneur of France given to – Lata Mangeshkar.
2. Which minister actively participated in 3G Spectrum in India– Ministry of Communication and Information technology.
3. Small cars are famous in which country other than India – Thailand.
4. Largest Steel Producer in the world – China
5. NREGA was renamed as – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
6. Book written by V S Naipaul – A House for Mr Biswas
7.Cryogenic engines are used in – Space Shuttle
8. Author of the book  The Rediscovery of India  – Meghnath Desai
9. K Radhakrsihna has taken over chairman as – ISRO
10. Winner of man booker prize 2009 – Hillary Mantel
11. H5N1 is a – Bird Flu
12. Ramakrihna venkatraman got nobel prize in – Chemistry
13. Genetically modified crop – Brinjal
14. One Carbon Credit is equal to – one ton of CO2.
15. UNIFEM launched a project in which state – Delhi.
16. State Level Afforestation formed by Government – CAMPA(Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority)
17. Which of the following is not a plant crop –All are plant corps(Vanilla,kiwi,camphor,etc)
18. Social Audit – NREGA
19. Book by V.S Naipaul – Half  a Life

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