Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rating Symbol-5

Rating Symbols and Definitions for Long Term Debt Mutual Fund Schemes
Long term debt mutual fund schemes: The debt mutual fund schemes that have an original maturity exceeding one year.
 Rating symbols should have CRA’s first name as prefix
AAAmfs - Schemes with this rating are considered to have the highest degree of safety regarding timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made.
AAmfs - Schemes with this rating are considered to have the high degree of safety regarding timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have  made.
Amfs - Schemes with this rating are considered to have the adequate degree of safety regarding timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made
BBBmfs - Schemes with this rating are considered to have the moderate degree of safety regarding timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made.
BBmfs  -  Schemes  with  this  rating  are  considered  to  have  moderate  risk of default regarding timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made.
Bmfs  - Schemes with this rating are considered to have high risk of default regarding timely receipt of timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made.
Cmfs - Schemes with this rating are considered to have very high risk of default regarding timely receipt of timely receipt of payments from the investments that they have made.
 Modifiers {"+" (plus) / "-"(minus)} can be used with the rating symbols for the  categories  AAmfs  to  Cmfs.  The  modifiers  reflect  the  comparative standing within the category.

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